Taking a little detour from the gaming world to shed some like on the recent events that occurred here in Chicago. Some of you might of heard the Midwest is being rattled with severe storms ranging from tornadoes, ice storms, and snow storms. Well Chicago, being the lucky city it is, got two out of the three. Yesterday afternoon and early into the next morning Chicago was pelted with layers and layers of snow and ice. Now today after what seems like a massacre the city has been engulfed. Streets which once where filled with cars are rushing rivers of snow. When I ventured out into the Great Chicago Storm I brought along my Flip video camera and was able to get some good video of the storm and drifts it left in its wake.
Alright I lied when I said this wasn't going to be about games. Although my attention is still towards the snow outside it made me remember a game with similar setting, Lost Planet. However, I didn't care much for the first Lost Plant but I did enjoy the second installment. I'll have a post later this week about Lost Planet 2 so look for it.
But without further delay her is the video I was able to take when heading out in the storm both the evening and late evening.
Brrr. How is it up there now? All the snow has melted here but it's still a pain to walk to class. Can't wait till spring!!